God’s Grace for Your Daily Life | Undated Planner
Life feeling out of control? No space left in your calendar? Stress crowding out the joy?
God loves you, and he wants better for you! So let him set the pace of your daily life.
The God’s Grace for Your Daily Life Planner is an easy-to-use, undated planner that helps you keep things organized in your day-to-day schedule and keep the most important things first in your life with daily reminders of God’s unending, unchanging love for you.
Each month encourages you with a different theme in your relationship with God. And each week features application questions or actions to take, biblical teaching, guided prayers, and links to additional interactive Time of Grace resources.
From devotions to relevant podcasts, TV broadcasts, and more, you’ll find just the right reminder for your week to keep you centered in God’s love so you can see more of his grace in your life.
I thought the book was worthy and could be useful for teachers and maybe students, so I gave it to our minister and asked him to show to the teachers and let them evaluate it for the school at our church.
Thank you, Philip - what a great idea!
Love this ministry, such a great resource. Super helpful and practical videos to go along with the daily time in God’s word. My relationship with Christ has deepened because of this planner and helps keep my thoughts focused on His Word, His Love for me so that I may extend the same to others in my life.
Thank you, Simone - we appreciate you!
I appreciate this planner, as I personally love to reflect as I write. From meal planning, to sports practices, to prayer - there is a simple spot for all of it.
Thank you, Alyssa - we're glad to hear the planner is a blessing to you!
This undated planner was optimal for starting the planner midway through the year. Adding intentionality to any aspect of life has the power to be transformative. Intentionally inserting more ways to show grace to others served to be just as transformative. This planner is outlined beautifully and includes spaces to write out ways I can live out a more "grace-full" life. What an awesome resource for daily living!
Thank you, Jo!
I had never thought about using a planer before, but this one not only keeps your to do list but also keeps your mind on God every day. He should be the first and last thing on your mind every day and this helps you do that,and remember how much he loves you.
Thank you for the review!