Mujeres reales de la Biblia
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Por el Dr. Paul Kelm
Le importas a Dios.
Honestamente, no se puede contar la historia de Dios en las Escrituras sin la fe y la fortaleza de las mujeres que utilizó para lograr sus propósitos. Desde Sara hasta Rut, pasando por María Magdalena y tantas otras, las mujeres de la Biblia constantemente estuvieron a la altura de los desafíos de su época y abrazaron el propósito de Dios para sus vidas. ¡Usted también puede!
Este libro del Dr. Paul Kelm explora el carácter de algunas de las mujeres notables de las Escrituras para revelar cómo cada una de nosotras hoy puede continuar con el mismo legado de fe.
Inspírate con mujeres reales con imperfecciones reales que usaron su tiempo y propósito específicos y lograron cosas realmente extraordinarias a través de un GRAN Dios.
I borrowed this book from a "sister", then ordered 4 more for myself and daughters. Have read other "women of the Bible" books, and feel that this one opened many new thoughts and truths not considered. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your experience and for supporting the ministry, Lonna!
I am enjoying the book and Dr. Kelm's writing. I'm comparing it to "Women of the Bible" by Jean Syswerda, which was used in Bible class in the past. I met the Kelm's some time ago when they visited my church (St. Mark's, Citrus Heights, CA.) when his son and wife were members here. Rev. Kelm is in my family tree on my mother's side.
Thank you - we're glad to hear you're enjoying the book!
I so enjoyed reading the book. It expanded my knowledge of the work of women in the Bible. I was aware of some of their work, and yet I learned many facts to share with others.
Thanks for your kind review, Ramona!
I learned many things I hadn't known before - very interesting.
Good to hear, Bruce! Thank you for reviewing!
We are looking forward to using Real Women of the Bible in our Fall Study. We checked it out and it's a keeper.
God bless your Bible study, Connie! Thanks for reviewing. :)