Cuidado del alma: nutrir su bienestar espiritual

$15.00 USD

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Por Amber Albee Swenson

Hoy en día se habla mucho del autocuidado. Se nos anima a salir, tomarnos un tiempo para nosotros mismos o escuchar un podcast: cualquier cosa que necesitemos para cuidar nuestra mente y nuestra salud.

Si bien es importante cuidar nuestra salud física y mental, con demasiada frecuencia pasamos por alto el cuidado de nuestra alma. Y la verdad es que sin cuidado del alma no hay cuidado de uno mismo.

No hay nada que se acerque ni remotamente al cuidado de nuestras almas. Nuestros cuerpos físicos mueren y todos nuestros esfuerzos por cuidarlos expiran. Pero nuestras almas viven por la eternidad.

Cuidado del alma: Nutriendo tu bienestar espiritual , escrito por la autora y presentadora de podcasts de Time of Grace, Amber Albee Swenson, te ayudará a cuidar la parte más importante de tu ser: tu alma.

En este libro revelador, Amber lo desafía a priorizar el cuidado de su alma y brinda sabiduría bíblica práctica para ayudarlo a encontrar paz, descanso y gozo duraderos mientras alimenta su bienestar espiritual. Descubrirás que el cuidado del alma vale tu tiempo y energía porque Jesús es para siempre y todo lo demás es temporal. Al igual que tu mente y tu cuerpo, tu alma tiene necesidades, y sólo pueden satisfacerse si caminas de la mano de tu Salvador, Jesús.

Tipo de portada de libro: Libro de bolsillo
Páginas: 114
Dimensiones: 5,5 "X 8,5"

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
James Brohn
A Must-Share Book!

Heard this book first as a podcast, just when I needed to hear it! Had to buy myself a copy...and another copy for my daughter...and another copy for a friend.... Just too good not to share! I appreciate how Amber contrasts a worldy self-care view with a scripture based soul care view. She writes as if she is already on a best friend basis with her reader.

Thank you for the review!

Brenda Arndt
Soul Care

Thanks so much for filling this order..actually twice since the first address I gave you was missing some information…so you sent out another book. The first book was delivered…but not to the address intended…the second book sent out made it to the correct destination. Thanks so much for sending out the second book! May the Lord continue to bless this ministry.

Thank you, Brenda!

June Maher
Soul Care

We are reading the book as our focus in our weekly women’s Bible Study. We read a few pages at a time, stop for comments and personal reflection then read more. We are very much enjoying the experience.

Thanks for sharing how you're using the book, June! God bless your Bible study!

Soul Care

This book compares soul care (focusing on Jesus and others to better ourselves) with the world’s self-care (focusing on self). Amber is relatable and gives practical ways to take care of our souls. I will be referring back to this book often! 5 Stars!!

Soul Care -pause to assess

Soul care has insights to help assess our priorities and choices in our daily lives. It helps us step back and evaluate what is important.