The Basics | Bundle

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By Pastor Mike Novotny

Who is GOD? What is GOD like? Who exactly is Jesus, and what did he do? What do GOD and Jesus think of me? What is faith, and what does it mean to be saved?

Have you ever wondered these questions? For some people, they seem so basic that they’re embarrassed to ask them. But there’s no reason to be embarrassedbecause the answers to these questions will change you. 

The Basics: GOD. You. Jesus. Faith. won’t answer every spiritual question you have, but it will give you a great foundation to begin the journey as a Christian.

Watch Pastor Mike present this content in video format or listen to it in podcast form by visiting here:

Book Cover Type: Paperback
Pages: 40
Dimensions: 5" X 8"

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Judy Abel
The Basics Book

I have read thru the book and feel it is a great tool for sharing with others. We had given the book prior to the order to a lady and it moved her to speak to a WELS pastor. Since, she has been baptized and attends church regularly and is an avid reader in her bible. We ordered 25 as we want to share these books with others needing God's message.

Wow - Judy, thank you for helping spread the good news of Jesus, with Time of Grace resources!

Janis V.

I have several people that I’ve been talking to about Jesus. I thought that this was a very good booklet to share with them. No, I have not gotten any feedback from them yet. But I certainly will follow up. I think it’s an excellent resource for this purpose

Thank you for sharing this book with others, Janis!

Steven Beilke
The Basics

I thought the information was Scriptural and presented in an interesting and understandable way. A suggestion: As this book was written to help people unfamiliar with the Bible or the unchurched, I think on pages 34&35 where you encourage people to seek out a church that loves the Bible, you might add the suggestion that they could contact Time of Grace for help in finding a Bible-loving church in their community. With so many different churches claiming to teach what the Bible teaches, and yet many have departed into teaching some things that aren't in the Bible, as a life-long student of the Bible, I would find it difficult to determine if a church was committed to teaching all the Bibles teachings truthfully and unfiltered. Thanks to Pastor Novotny for taking the time to write this book

Thank you for the feedback, Steve! We will take that into consideration.

Midge Williams
Thank you!

Yes, I really like this book! I feel it's a way I can witness Jesus by giving it to many people At Christmas I gave one to every member in my family and pray they will read it and fully receive Jesus. Thank you for sending them to me. God bless you!!

Thank you for partnering with us to share the Gospel, Midge!


I use these Basic booklets for boots on the ground witnessing. I give these out where ever I go. I try to always have a least 5 or more of these on me at all times. Even carry the Spanish ones around in my left pocket. The best thing is you don't even need a license to carry this Gospel dynamite to hand out. I have been ask about 10 times if I'm Mike and I just tell them nope I'm a follower of my Lord and Savior Jesus who has completely forgiven me for all my sins and opened the gates of heaven wide open by his perfect life, hellish death on the cross in my place and his resurrection from the grave conquers death and gives eternal life for all who believe this awesome Gospel life changing dynamite good news. Jesus took our sin on the cross and we get his righteousness. Wow totally mind blowing great exchange. 2 Corinthians 5:21. Thanks Mike for all you do for Jesus. Let us all lift high the old rugged cross together. Thank you Jesus!!! To God be the Glory!!! Father, Son and Holy Spirit!!!

Thank you for your heart for missions, Donovan!