Sabes que Dios te ama, ¿verdad?
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Hay docenas de situaciones diferentes que podrían hacerte preguntarte si Dios te quiere, quiere estar contigo, si aún te elegiría o si tiene planes de utilizarte para hacer algo por su reino. A veces esas dudas te susurran al oído. A veces gritan.
Es por eso que es necesario observar más de cerca la vida de Jesús , observando los tipos de personas que llamó , salvó y transformó. María no era nadie , Mateo era codicioso , Santiago estaba enojado , Marta estaba estresada y Pedro era orgulloso , pero Jesús los eligió y los cambió. El Padre los adoraba y los incluía. Y como Dios es el mismo ayer, hoy y por los siglos , su corazón no ha cambiado hacia ti.
Descubra cómo Dios puede usar a personas como usted en este libro del pastor Mike Novotny. Esta mirada en profundidad a los personajes poco impresionantes , sin importancia y francamente despreciables que Jesús amó , eligió y transformó a lo largo de su ministerio le muestra que a pesar de sus defectos y errores, hay una verdad innegable. . .
¡Dios te ama y nunca va a parar!
Al abordar cuestiones como la duda , la ira , la apatía , la culpa y mucho más , sabes que Dios te ama, ¿verdad? utiliza las Escrituras , preguntas guiadas e indicaciones de oración para guiarlo en un viaje hacia una vida de libertad y confianza como un amado hijo de Dios.
As a properly tuned engine hits on all cylinders, so this book hits on on our cylinders of life. We all have the feelings and emotions as outlined in this book but each may have different levels of one or more. It helped to expose and take a closer look at we might otherwise not know or realize how we either impacted or controlled by them. Love the meat and potato simplicity. Each section all lead to Jesus and work done at the Cross.
Thanks so much for the review, Mike!
Recently, I ordered the book for myself, but after reading it, I realized how many people I knew that would benefit from the book as well . I ordered a number of copies and also spread the word amongst my friends to order for themselves. Several examples that helped others: I have a grandson who is struggling with his faith and his well-being. He was very appreciative of the book and said it really answered some questions for him. also, I knew of a husband who recently lost his wife and had a lot of problems relating to his faith. I believe he is now reading the book and I pray that the Holy Spirit is guiding him, and helping him be stronger in his faith. I have a son who is a pastor and I had a copy sent to him because I’m sure that in his ministry, the book would be very beneficial for guidance and to recommend others. I highly recommend the book it is so well written, and so laid out with the different tabs telling you where to go for what concern. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be able to order such a book . Karen Lindemann.
Karen, thank you for reviewing and sharing with others!