3 palabras que cambiarán tu vida

$12.00 USD

Por el pastor Mike Novotny

Dios está aquí. Esa pequeña frase puede cambiarlo todo. Comprender verdaderamente la presencia de Dios es la clave para tener más felicidad, menos aburrimiento, más descanso, menos prisas, más amor, menos drama, más paz, menos miedo.

Una vida profundamente satisfactoria no requiere un año sabático, una nueva carrera o una resolución de año nuevo. Mientras Dios sea lo suficientemente glorioso y cercano, puedes dejar de lado los sustitutos baratos con los que te has conformado y disfrutar de la vida que es verdaderamente vida aquí y ahora. Este libro te ayudará a deshacerte de la culpa y la vergüenza del pecado y a verte a ti mismo como Dios te ve.

Encuentra el gozo que él ha estado esperando darte mientras descubres cómo tres pequeñas palabras pueden revolucionar tu relación con Dios.

Tipo de portada del libro: Tapa blanda
Páginas: 189
Dimensiones: 5 1/2" X 8"

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Debbie Ninmann
Life guidance with God’s word

A quick read and so worthwhile - easy to understand and put into practice

Thank you, Debbie! Glad to hear this book was a blessing to you!

Janelle Berteau
Love the Book!!

A couple of months ago I was given a gift of “3 Words That Will Change Your Life” by a dear friend who is also a Lutheran pastor’s wife like me. She, along with two other pastor wife friends from our seminary days, have been slowly studying the book together and meeting on Zoom to discuss it. It’s so good - it has given old concepts a brand new twist - many “aha!”moments - it’s witty, but so informative - it’s fully grounded in scripture - it’s been a blessing to us, so much so that I ordered 35 copies to use with the women’s Bible study I lead in my church! Our church group will start on Sept 19th. They can’t wait, as I haven’t told them what the 3 Words are yet! Thanks for writing the book, Pastor Novotny - I know it’s going to be a blessing to my group.

Thank you, Janelle - we're glad to hear you're enjoying the book!

Biblically sound and practical

This book was fantastic. It really helped me focus on thinking about God, even during every day mundane activities. If you need help forming habits of prayer, focusing on things above instead of on earthy things, or just want to deepen your relationship with God, this is the book for you. If you struggle with negativity, it’s a great reminder of the blessings we experience every day as Christians. It shares the secret to having joy and eagerly anticipating heaven in spite of the suffering we often experience on earth.

Thanks so much for reviewing, Jordyn!

Sticks with you

I really enjoyed this book, and it continues to come to mind even months later. The style of the writing was engaging, and the topic so applicable.

Thanks so much for your review, Michelle! So glad you enjoyed the book.

Dana V
Great book!

I bought one of these books for each of my kids, so we can all read through it in our respective states. Great book!

Thanks for sharing, Dana! What a neat idea to help stay connected . . . hope your kids enjoyed it too!