10 Uncomfortable, Misunderstood Bible Words God Wants You to Know | E-book
By Pastor Mike Novotny
Will God still love me after what I've done?
Do I really have to forgive everyone?
Is hell a real place, and did Jesus talk about it?
The answers to these questions are found in some of the Bible’s words that seem confusing and uncomfortable. Words like grace, forgiveness, and hell. What do they really mean? And how do they apply to our lives?
This book by Pastor Mike Novotny breaks down ten of the Bible’s most important—and most often misunderstood—words so you don’t miss out on what they reveal about the character of your loving and faithful God and his plan of salvation for you through Jesus.
As you see these words with fresh eyes from God’s perspective, you’ll discover the power they have to strengthen your faith and bless your life, and you won’t miss out on what God wants you to know! Discover that
• Forgiveness God’s way delivers you from anger.
• True understanding of grace sets you free from guilt.
• Because of God’s salvation, you’re never alone.
Pages: 115