30 palabras para encender tu fe
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Las palabras tienen poder, algunas más que otras. Y las palabras que Dios pronuncia tienen el mayor poder de todos. Palabras como paz, esperanza, amor, santo y salvo.
Probablemente hayas escuchado estas palabras antes... léelas en tu Biblia, incluso las usaste en tus oraciones. Pero es posible que sólo haya arañado la superficie de lo que realmente significan. Cuando captes la profundidad de estas palabras y dejes que echen raíces en tu corazón, ¡las promesas de Dios comenzarán a transformar y alimentar tu fe! Y de eso se trata este libro.
Con actividades prácticas como dibujos, rompecabezas y preguntas de estudio que invitan a la reflexión, 30 palabras para encender tu fe te invita a explorar algunas de las palabras más importantes de la Biblia... ¡y a divertirte haciéndolo!
SO, in all honesty Ive ONLY skimed through our Great Book! HOWEVER, I plan, to faithfully "get at it!! STAT!! At 84 ye ars old & with some health issues, Ive Failed to get at this book! I shall Start , as I say Please feel free to contact me again in a few weeks! Gods blessings! gail
Hope you've enjoyed the book, Gail! Thanks for leaving a review!
The format of this book is great for the college student especially with their busy schedules. May use as a gift especially for kids who are away from home for the first time.
Thanks for the review, Sharon! Great idea to send to college students!
I am glad for the opportunity to leave a review. I am so impressed with everybody involved with this book. I ordered several for kids I work with. There were some very personal touches with the first couple of orders, these people are amazing, and the book is even better! So thankful to have found this site with their wonderful journals/workbooks. They are great communion or confirmation gifts, I used mine for Easter and a first communion gift. Thanks for the thoughtfulness you put into my orders. I will be ordering again
Very exciting to get a deeper understanding of words Christians use and now can fully know what it truly means.
Thank you Vivian! So glad this was a helpful book for you!